You Know You’re a Freshmen When

Written by: Peter Thompson

Oh, Freshman. You may not know it, but you’re easy to spot. Here are some stereotypes that may reveal your status to the upperclassmen. You know you’re a freshman when…

You take up space in the senior section because you know we can’t make you leave

You think tall Nike socks are the way to go

You play spikeball all day everyday, rain or shine

You drive Ms. Anderson crazy

You don’t cheer at the football games (Pushups will be doubled soon)

You fail your Physics test

You don’t dress in theme for games

You complain about Yondr showing up for your freshman year

You try to twin with the sunglass wearing seniors

You are always in the way in the cafeteria

Don’t worry guys. It’s only up from here. 


Teacher Interview: Mrs. Wallace


Teacher Interview: Mr. Martinez