Campus Life Q&A

  1. Favorite spot to study on campus?

The library is my favorite place to study because it is quiet and I can get my work done.

- Emma Gatti

2. What’s the most underrated place on campus?

The most underrated place on campus (this year specifically) is the quad. No one has been on it and it’s def the place to be. Also like they moved the tables.

- Agnes Brown

3. Go-to lunch order from the cafeteria or hornet shop?

In the hornet shop, a diet coke. In the cafeteria, a ham and cheese sub.

- Lauren Lewis

4. Which teacher has had the biggest impact on you during your time in the upper school?

I would say Mrs. Williams because she helped change my approach to struggles when I had trouble in class, and she is always caring and encouraging to everyone.

- Ana Miller

5. What’s the best class you’ve taken at this school?

Honors Chemistry with Mrs. Sullivan.

- Emily Moretz

6. Where do you spend most of your free time on campus?

Minis for sure.

- Hillary Bunger

7. What’s the most exciting school event of the year?

The most exciting event of the school year is 9 to 5.

- Ian Rogers

8. Best club or extracurricular to join?

The best extracurricular to join is Mock Trial

- Emily Moretz

9. What’s something every student should do before they graduate?

Eat the ravioli at lunch.

- Emma Bromley

10. If you could change one thing about the school, what would it be?

I would add a dedicated mental health day each semester. It could give everyone a chance to recharge, focus on self-care, and reduce burnout before things get too overwhelming.

- Reese Bailey

11. What’s the most stressful time of the school year?

Probably both of the exam times, especially during the winter, because I feel like at that point you’ve gotten pretty far into the year and extracurriculars, clubs, and classes are all really starting to get busy. 

- Anonymous

12. Do you prefer sitting inside or outside during lunch?

Well it depends on the weather. I mostly do work during lunch or play flow which are both pretty indoor activities. But when it’s nice out, an outside lunch is always great- except for the yellow jackets that swarm and raise cain.

- Sophie Myers

13. If you had to describe Country Day in one word, what would it be?

Social, since it's small enough to mingle with everyone but big enough to avoid people if you want.

- Luke Fountain

14. What’s the best way to make new friends here?

I think just going up and talking to people if you feel like being friends with them. And also it helps when you’re friends with someone who knows a lot of people and then you can all become friends.

- Sarah Sussman

15. Which area on campus gets the most chaotic?

The quad after break.

- Luana Castillo

16. Who has the best school spirit?


- Anonymous

17. What’s your favorite school tradition?

When the seniors walk with the kindergarteners on the first and last day of school.

- Emma Bromley

18. What’s the hardest class at Country Day?

Calc AB or AP Bio.

- Ella Haas

19. If you could have any guest speaker come to the school, who would it be and why?

Denzel Washington because he is the coolest person alive and he has never said anything that is not purely intelligent.

-Coleman Huggins

20. What’s your favorite thing about being a student in the high school?

My favorite part of high school so far is making friends with upperclassmen through sports and extracurriculars. 

-Caroline Watson

21. If you could add one thing to campus (realistic or not), what would it be?

A sushi bar in the cafeteria.

-Anders Elizalde

22. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in one of your classes?

Explaining AJ and Big Justice to Mrs. Williams.

-Coleman Huggins and Carter Herman

23. What’s the best advice an upperclassmen can give a lowerclassmen?

Don’t stress about every little thing. You are only in high school for 4 years. Just try to enjoy it.

-Carter Herman

24. What’s a hidden gem on campus that most people don’t know about?

The Makerspace.

-Vir Derola

25. If you had to be locked in one building on campus overnight, which one would you choose and why?

Mingledorff because it is spacious, pretty, and new.

-Mrs. Williams


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